DAVIDSON, George Leslie - Diary part 5

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Tedworth where we entrained for Southampton. Boarded the 'King Edward' about midnight for Havre.
Mon 18 Mar. Disembarked about 7am at Le Havre & marched to A.G.B.D. Rouelles about 5 miles. Medical Inspection & equipped ready for the line. Pictures & concert in the evening.
Tue 19 Mar. Went through Gas Drill, Lectures & Test which took all day. Went to Le Havre with Joe Brennan in the evening.
Wed 20 Mar. On Barb wire fatigue all day at Rouelles.
Thur 21 Mar. Warned for marching out on draft Sat.
Sat 23 Mar. Reveille 6.30 B'fst 6.60. Moved off at 7.30am. Marched to Le Havre where we entrained. Train left at 2pm & we were travelling all night. Joe Brennan & Alister Steel of WA & friends of mine were on the same draft.
Sun 24 Mar. Travelling by train passed through Etaples, Boulogne, Calais & St Omer. Arrived at the Aust. Reinforcements camp at Caestre 11pm. Were given tea before turining in for the night.
Mon 25 Mar. Left Rest camp Caestre at 9.30am for 5th Field Amb. per foot. Marched through Bailleue & joined unit at Pont d'Achelles near Nieppe France.
Tues 26 Mar. Sent to Locre in Belgium to guard a dump of stores. O.C. of 5th F. Amb. - WH Crowther & remained there for a few days.
Sun 31 Mar. At Locre. Handed over to 59th Br Fld Amb. and returned to unit at Pont d'Achelles.
Mon 1 Apr. Packing up preparing to a move.
Wed 3 Apr. Unit moved off at an early hour per bus. Passed through Neuve Eglise, Dranouter, Locre & OutterSteene to Noule Boon, where we were accommodated in billets.
Thur 4 Apr. Moved off from Noule Boon per foot for Caestre to entrain for the Somme. Passed through Meteren & Fletre.
Fri 5 Apr. Entrained at Caestre at 3am & went through St Omer, Calais, Bolougne, Etaples and Abbeville, eventually reaching Hangest where we disentrained & camped for the night.
Sat 6 Apr. Marched out from Hangest through Pecguigny to St Sauveur, where we boarded motor vehicles through Amiens to La Neuville near Corbie where we were billetted in a school room. Saw Frank Bond, A. Loveday, _ Hicks, Bob Barrett, _ Edmondson, F. Sears, J Orton, _ Sorensen, A Calhoun, _ Johnson, _ Muckhult, & Geo Dixon
Sun 7 Apr. Marched from La Neuville to Vadencourt where our unit took over a main Dressing Station from the 13th F. Amb. Then some of us marched to Warloy where we took over an Advanced Dressing Station & dug in for the night.
Mon 8 Apr. Marched out early in the morning with other bearer squads to a Regimental Aid Post near Buire, 27th & 28th Battalion area. My squad Roberts, Thompson, McNeil & myself. Heavy shelling with High Explosive, shrapnel & gas.
Tu 9 Apr. Relieved from R.A.P. at 9am and went for 24 hrs to an Advanced Dressing Station at Lavieville. Heavy shelling all day.
Wed 10 Apr. Went up to the front again this time to a Relay Post just off the Amiens-Albert Road between Lavieville & Buire.
Thur 11 Apr. At Relay Post carrying wounded to the Advanced Dressing Stn at Buire. Saw a Fritz plane brought down.
Fri 12 Apr. Relieved from Relay Post & went A.D.S. at Lavieville for 24 hrs.
Sat 13 Apr. Went up to R.A. Post in chalk pits again. This was a very busy period and we were continually occupied picking up wounded from the Infantry Battalion's Aid Posts & taking them back for treatment.
Sun 14 Apr. Relieved from R.A.P. and came down to ADS for a few days spell.
Mon 15 Apr. At ADS Warloy.
Thur 18 Apr. Shifted from Warloy to Franvillers per foot. Warned to proceed up the line tomorrow.
Fri 19 Apr. Went to Infantry R.A.P. near Buire carrying to another aid post near Buire, carrying to a Relay Post near the Albert Armiens Road. Heavy shelling and machine gun fire.
Mon 22 Apr. Changed over from Infantry R.A.P. to a Relay Loading Post near the Albert/Amiens Road.
Wed 24 Apr. At Relay Post as above where we had 3 casualties. L/Cpl AL Roberts, Ptes J Webb & G.N. Shirt replaced by Ptes Duggelby, Ennis & Birch.
Thur 25 Apr. Relieved from Relay Post & came back to A.D.S. Franvillers for a rest. Saw Pat Keen.
Fri 26 Apr. Went to Baizieux & had a bath. Then joined a working party loading wounded until 6am then came back to Franvillers.
Sat 27 Apr. At Franvillers. Went to Heilly after dinner and saw Tom Elder.
Sun 28 Apr. At Franvillers. Saw Jack & Tom Elder.
Tues 30 Apr. At A.D.S. Franvillers. Our Unit being relieved by the Br. 55th Fld Amb. We leave tomorrow.
Wed 1 May Marched to Montigny where we were billetted for the night.
Thur 2 May At Montigny. Went for a walk to Beaucourt after tea.
Sun 5 May Marched from Montigny to Allonville full pack.
Mon 6 May At Allonville. Saw Bob McKenzie.
Tue 7 May At Allonville. Route march & stand to all night.
Fri 10 May A Section went into the line. B Section standing by. In the evening the 10th Bge put on a concert 'Bandicoots'.
Sat 11 May B Section Bearers marched to 6th Fld Amb. A.D.S. near Franvillers. Standing by to relieve A Section. 3 others in my squad were R Thomson, _ Cossy & J Barnes.
Wed 15 May At ADS Franvillers. Pte Cossy of our squad was evacuated sick & replaced by Pte McLeay.
Fri 17 May Went to Relay Post between Ribemont & Buire carrying wounded to a loading post near Amiens/Albert road. Joe Brennan evacuated sick from this post.
sat 18 May At Relay Post working solidly in the morning & had a swim in the Ancre River in the afternoon.
Sun 19 May Stunt opened at 2am & came off successfully. Our troops captured Ville sur Ancre. It made plenty of work for us. Joe Brennan replaced in our squad by P Downes.
Wed 22 May Our Relay Post shifted in a little closer to Ribemont to make way for a Howitzer Battery taking over our position.
Thur 23 May At Sucrerie Relay Post near Ribemont.
Fri 24 May At Sucrerie Relay Post. Pte McLeay of our squad evacuated sick.
Sat 25 May At Sucrerie Relay Post. Pte McLeay returned to our squad replacing Joe Brennan. Very heavy shelling from both sides today. Pte Pickering wounded.
Sun 26 May At Sucrerie Relay Post. Our squad keeps changing for various reasons. It is now Thompson, Davidson, Barbnes & Downs.
Mon 27 May Relieved from Sucrerie Relay Post at 10.30pm & our squad went to ADS near Franvillers.
Wed 29 May At ADS near Franvillers. Went to Querrieu for a bath.
Fr1 31 May ditto
Sat 1 Jun 1/2 our squad Thompson & Davidson went for special duty to a loading post at Buire.
Sun 2 Jun. At 7pm our complete squad went to an Infantry R.A.P. in a chalk pit for 24 hrs.
Mon 3 Jun. Back at loading post near Buire for 24 hrs.
Tue 4 Jun. To chalk pit post again.
Wed 5 Jun. Back to Loading Post again. Heavy bombardment by Fritz followed by an unsuccessful raid.
Thur 6 Jun. At Loading Post Buire. Sgt Ivor Ling wounded.
Sun 9 Jun. Relieved from Buire & went back to A.D.S.
Mon 10 Jun. Went to Matheson R.A.P. for a stunt beyond Marrit Wood south of Morlancourt which opened up at 10pm. Our squad Chadwick, Thompson, Birch & Davidson. Heavy shelling all day. Whilst evacuating a wounded soldier from the R.A.P. our squad was blown up. Chadwick, Thompson & Birch were evacuated. I received several small wounds in the hand but remained on duty & finished up by assisting the man on the stretcher safely across open country to the Relay Post.
Wed 12 Jun. Went to Querrieu for a bath.
Thur 13 Jun. At ADS near Franvillers.
Fri 14 Jun. Left ADS for a Unit at Querrieu after tea.
Sat 15 Jun. Unit moved per road bivouac near Amiens.
Sun 16 Jun. Bivouaced between Poullainville & Rivery near Amiens.
Mon 17 Jun. do. Visited 4th & 8th Fld Ambulances who were camped not far away & saw Tom Young & JH Williams.
Tues 18 Jun. Went to Poullainville for stores.
Wed 19 Jun. Went to Amiens for a swim.
Thur 20 Jun. Same as 16th
Fri 21 Jun. Unit dinner on 3rd Anniversary on active service.
Sat 22 Jun. Went to Amiens for a swim.
Sun 23 Jun. In bivouacs between Poulainville & Rivery. Swim in baths at Amiens.
Sat 29 Jun. Our Unit moved to a walking wounded post near Glisy in the Villers Bretonneux front. Our squad went out to Relay Post nearer the line. Our squad L/C S Bailey, Ptes JC Barnes, GL Davidson & R Leivesley.
Sun 30 Jun. At Railway Relay Post.
Mon 1 Jul. Changed over to walking wounded post on the Lamotte Road, ran by C section Tent and Transport Sub Divs. Our Section B were the bearers.
Tue 2 Jul. Troops were today reviewed by WM Hughes & J Cook of Aust. Also Generals Birdwood, Monash & Rosenthal.
Wed 3 Jul. Moved on to A.D.S. 7th Fld Amb. on the Amiens/St Quentin Road opposite Glisy.
Thur 4 Jul. Stunt - at A.D.S. stretcher bearing.
Fri 5 Jul. Went up to Suppport Relay Post beyond Villers Bretenneux.
sat 6 Jul. At Support Relay Post.
Tue 9 Jul. Relieved from Support Relay Post & returned to 5th Fld Amb. Walking Wounded Post near Lamotte.
Wed 10 Jul. 7th Bgde Concert Party Lamotte.
Thur 11 Jul. On Post between Camon & Lamotte. Saw H Wigg.
Fri 19 Jul. At Post on Amiens/Glisy Road.
Sun 21 Jul. Returned to Camp between Lamotte & Camon.
Fri 26 Jul. Went to A.D.S. 7th Fld Amb. & rejoined my squad. On the Villers Bretonneux Rd.
Fri 2 Aug. Went to Valley R.A.P. near Villers Bretonneux. Squad now Bailey, Barnes, Lievesley & Davidson.
Sat 3 Aug. Our squad at Valley R.A.P. now carrying wounded to Valley Relay Post.
Sun 4 Aug. Relieved fom Valley R.A.P. by 12th Fld Amb. & went to Hedge Relay Villiers Bretonneux.
Mon 5 Aug. Shifted further on the Culpins R.A.P.
Wed 7 Aug. Went to Kent R.A.P. for stunt which was imminent. Pte Fox of WA was on this post.
Thur 8 Aug. Stunt commenced at 4.20am. It was enormous and a great success. An indication of this was that our party slept that night at Warfusee about 8 miles into enemy lines.
Fri 9 Aug. Further advances today on the main Amiens-Peronne rd between Warfusee & Beaulencourt.
Sat 10 Aug. Further advance & moved up to near Harbonnieres. All this meant that the enemy was being slowly beaten back on Territory they previously held.
Sun 11 Aug. Moved Post to a further advanced position to between Harbonnieres & Franville. After completing this job our squad came back to near Harbonnieres.
Thur 15 Aug. At Post near Harbonnieres. Went to Bayonvillers for a swim.
Sat 17 Aug. Moved to Fouilloy for a few days spell.
Sun 18 Aug. At Fouilloy. Went to Aubigny for a stroll.
Mon 19 Aug. At Fouilloy saw Tom Young.
Thur 22 Aug. Unit swimming carnival in the Amiens baths. Swam 3rd in the 100 yds scratch race, swam 3rd in 50 yds B Section, Swam 1st in teams relay B section.
Fri 23 Aug. At Fouilloy.
Mon 26 Aug. Unit moved up into the line. Camped between Morcourt & Mericourt-sur-Somme.
Tue 27 Aug. Atached to 18th Battalion for our squad to handle their casualties. Moved up with then to between Chuignolles & Froissy. Saw grave of Westralian 6485 SE Crake 11th Battn.
Wed 28 Aug. Moved on with 18th Battn & camped just beyond Boisthela Vache about a mile West of Frise.
Thur 29 Aug. Moved on again with 18th Battn & camped alongside the Canal di la Somme.
Fri 30 Aug. Moved forward again to a Post North of Clery.
Sat 31 Aug. Moved forward again with 18th Battn to a post about 1 kilo East of Clery. R Leivesley of our squad wounded & replaced by G Thornton.
Sun 1 Sep. Moved forward again with 18th Battn to beyond Halle. J. Miley killed in action.
Tue 3 Sep. Pt Thornton of our squad recalled for leave, he was relieved by A Baker.
Wed 4 Sep. Went back with 18th Battn to Frise for a rest.
Thur 5 Sep Rejoined Unit at Feuilleres
Sat 7 Sep. At Feuilleres with Unit - Unit Dinner.
Thur 12 Sep. With Unit at Feuilleres. Given a lecture on Mawsons Antarctic expedition by Capt McLean.
Fri 13 Sep. Went to 5th Brigade sports at Cappy. Pulled in 5th F. Amb. tug of war.
Sun 15 Sep. At Feuilleres.
Mon 16 Sep. Went to 2nd Division sports at Cappy. Saw Stan Thomas.
Thur 26 Sep. At Feuilleres. Lecture by GC Barnes on Astrology.
Fri 27 Sep. Moved forward to Peronne at 10.30pm.
Sat 28 Sep. Moved forward & camped near Longravenes.
Sun 29 Sep. At Longravenes.
Tues 1 Oct. Moved forward to St Quentin Canal & saw famous tunnel which formed part of the Hindenburg Line now in Allied hands.
Thur 3 Oct Forward to Nauroy.
Fri 4 Oct At Loading Post Nauroy. Busy as usual.
Sun 6 Oct. Our squad relieved from Post & rejoined our unit at Templeux. Marched with them to Hervilly. Saw Tom Elder.
Mon 7 Oct. Marched from Hervilly to Tincourt & entrained there for St Roche via Chaulnes & Amiens.
Marched from St Roche to Flesselles where we remained for some time.
Fri 11 Oct. To Vignacourt for a bath.
Sat 12 Oct. On leave to Abbeville.
Sun 13 Oct. Went to Naours after tea
Mon 14 Oct. ditto.
Wed 16 Oct. ditto.
Fri 18 Oct. At Flesselles. Went to Vignacourt for a bath.
Mon 21 Oct. ditto.
Wed 23 Oct. Route march to Naours.
Mon 28 Oct. Unit sports. Got 3rd in football kicking.
Wed 30 Oct. Played in 6th Fld Amb. team at Bourdon.
Wed 6 Nov. Our Unit played football against 2nd Division Signals & won 4.10 to 3.3.
Sat 9 Nov. Played football against 7th Engrs & won 8.13 to 2.3.
Sun 10 Nov. Went on a visit to Naours.
Mon 11 Nov. Went to Amiens on a days leave & whilst there news of the Armistice was broadcast. Tremendous excitement throughout the whole district.
Tue 12 Nov. At Flesselles.
Thur 21 Nov. Moving tomorrow for the Rhine area.
Fri 22 Nov. Moved off at 3am & marched to Vignacourt where our Unit entrained & left at 1pm fror the Rhine area through Amiens, Roisel & Peronne to Bertry where we arrived at midnight & detrained.
Sat 23 Nov. From Bertry we marched to Bohain arriving at 4am where we settled in temporarily. Went to a show - The Sentimental Bloke, in the evening.
Mon 25 Nov. Marched with full pack to Mazinghien about 13 kilometres.
Tues 26 Nov. Marched again with full pack from Mazinghien to Prisches about 15 kilometres
Sat 30 Nov. At Prisches. Saw Cec Bolton, Pat Keen & Fred Shepherd.
Sun 1 Dec. Went to Maroilles where Australian troops were inspected by the King, Prince Edward of Wales & Prince Albert came back though Grand Vaugh.
Mon 2 Dec. At Prisches.
Sun 15 Dec. Left Prisches per car with a small team for Charleroi via Avesnes and Beaumont to open up a medical room in an Arcade.
Mon 16 Dec. At Charleroi.
Wed 25 Dec. do. Had dinner with 7th Fld Amb. at Montsur Marchienne. Saw Maurice Munday, _ Jarman and H Tyrell.

Wed 1 Jan. At Charleroi Belgium. Saw Gordon Doonan.
Sat 4 Jan. Relieved from Charleroi & rejoined my Unit at Walcourt 20 kilos South and was detailed for duty in the Unit canteen.
Sun 5 Jan. At Walcourt.
Wed 8 Jan. Went absent without leave. Caught 1pm train for Brussels and arrived there at 5pm.
Thur 9 Jan. Left Brussels 2pm for Charleroi & arr 5.30pm
Fri 10 Jan. Returned to Unit at Walcourt 10.30am.
Fri 17 Jan. Went to Charleroi to buy stores for our canteen.
Sun 19 Jan. Left Unit on 14 days UK leave at 12.45pm. Arrived Charleroi at 1.45pm & waited until after midnight for the leave train. EA Loveridge was with me.
Mon 20 Jan. Left Charleroi & travelled through Ath, Tournai, Lille, Armentures, Hazelbrook & St Omer to Calais.
Tue 21 Jan. Arr Calais about daybreak, had breakfast and dinner in the rest camp and crossed the English Channel to Folkstone late in the afternoon. Fixed up at AIF Head-quarters, Horseferry Rd London & went to Glenns in Brockley
Wed 22 Jan. Went to McIlwraith McEacharn Ltd office Drew some money & caught 5.15pm train for Swindon, but owing to a breakdown did not arrive until 5am Thurs 23rd after a round trip through Didcott, Reading and Bath.
Thurs 23 Jan. Eventually arrived at Beasants - Swindon early am. After a good family talk went to the pictures in the evening.
Fri 24 Jan. At Swindon. Pictures again in the evening.
Sat 25 Jan. Left Swindon 7.13am arr London 8.20pm & left Euston 11.30am for Glasgow via Carlisle per rail.
Sun 26 Jan. Arr Glasgow 9am Spent the day on a boat touring Loch Lomond. Saw the famous High & Low Roads.
Mon 27 Jan. Breakfast & dinner in one and left Glasgow 1pm by train & arrived at Edinburgh 2.15pm. Went on to Musselburgh to Mrs Stewarts - Alex Mother. Also saw Mrs Barrie, mother of a friend of Alex Stewart.
Tue 28 Jan. Went to see the Forth Bridge and to a pantomine after tea 'Puss in Boots'.
Wed 29 Jan. Left Edinburgh at 9pm per train for London.
Thur 30 jan. Arrived Kings Cross Stn London 9am, thence to Glenns at Brockley. Making full use of my time saw 2 shows 'Chu Chin Chou' and 'Yes Uncle'.
Fri 31 Jan. Went to Royal Academy Canadian War Pictures 'The Boy'.
Sat 1 Feb. Went to Swindon for a pre-arranged party Ray Viner was there.
Sun 2 Feb. Left Swindon & returned to London.
Mon 3 Feb. In London saw 'Bing Boys on Broadway'. Stayed at Brockley whilst in London.
Tues 4 Feb. My leave ended. I reported at Victoria Station at 9.15am & went per train to Southampton where I boarded the SS City of Poona for Havre sailed 9pm.
Wed 5 Feb. Arrived at Havre am & went to No. 2 Rest Camp for the night.
Thur 6 feb. Left Havre at 4pm for Charleroi via Amiens, Albert, Arras, Donai, Valenciennes & Mons by train.
Fri 7 Feb. Still in train.
Sat 8 Feb. Arr at Charleroi at 2pm & went on the rejoin my Unit at Montigny le Tilleul.
Sun 9 Feb. At Montigny le Tilleul.
Wed 12 Feb. Went on 4 days leave to Brussles & Antwerp. Arr Brussels 5pm. Went to a show at Kursaal 'Noublions jamais'.
Thur 13 Feb. Met Jack Elder & Gordon Doonan. Visited several places of interest, & in the evening went to Bains Royal Theatre & saw 'Orphee'.
Fri 14 Feb. Went to Antwerp & was shown many places of interest by a guide & returned to Brussels in the evening. Went to Royal Theatre & saw 'Rigoletta'.
Sat 15 Feb. In Brussels was shown around again by a guide. Returned to my Unit per train pm.
Sun 16 Feb. At Montigny la Tilleul on piquet.
Mon 17 Feb. Off piquet 2pm.
Tues 18 Feb. Evacuated to 20th Canadian C Stn Charleroi with flu.
Wed 19 Feb. Evacuated from CCS Charleroi per Ambulance train for base.
Thur 20 Feb. On Ambulance train
Fri 21 Feb. Arrived at no.7 Stat. Hospital Bologne a very sick man.
Sat 22 Feb. Hospital Bologne.
Sun 23 Feb. Marked for Blighty.
Mon 24 Feb. Transferred from Bologne by sea for Dover hence to County of Middlesex War Hosp Napsbury St Albans.
Tue 25 Feb At County of Middlesex War Hosp Napsbury St Albans.
Fri 28 Feb. Feeling better. Went to St Albans for a look around.
Mon 3 Mar. Transferred to No. 3 A.A. Hosp Dartford.
Tue 4 Mar. At Dartford. Went to Brockley & to Glenns.
Wed 5 Mar. At Dartford. Went to an evening at Bexley Heath.
Thur 6 Mar. Quite recovered. Commenced 14 days leave (sick furlough). After being fixed up at H.Qs Horseferry Rd London went to Swindon. Saw AL Roberts.
Fri 7 Mar. At Swindon. Went to Pictures.
Sat 8 Mar. At Swindon. Went to theatre 'Hells Baby' with Beasants.
Mon 10 Mar. Left Swindon 10.57am for Yeovil arr 1.15pm. Stayed with my relations. Vine.
Thur 13 Mar. Left Yeovil by train for Brighton where I stayed with the Tidy residence. Went to the Academy.
Fri 14 Mar. At Brighton. Went to 'Laughing Eyes' at night.
Sat 15 Mar. At Brighton. Went to the Palace Pier & saw a show 'Chinese Puzzle'
Sun 16 Mar. Returned to London am & stayed with Glenn family.
Mon 17 Mar. London. Went to the 'Maid of the Montains'.
Tue 18 Mar. London. Spent the day on a tug boat on the Thames. A show 'The Lilac Domino' in the evening.
Wed 19 Mar. Went to the British Museum & an opera show in the evening 'The Boatswains mate a coq d'Or'. The Queen of Rumania & her two daughters were there.
Thur 20 Mar. Reported to Head Quarters 10am & was sent to Westham Camp Weymouth.
Fri 21 Mar. At Monte Video Camp working on SMOs office on records & remained so for some little time.
Fri 4 Apr. Caught 8am train for Swindon, arr 1.45pm. Gordon Doonan & Ray Viner arr 7.30pm. All went to theatre 'You never know you know' in the evening. I got special leave for this meeting.
Sat 5 Apr. Went to London to draw some money & returned to Swindon for a very special party. Whilst here I received a wire from camp to return as I was listed for embarkation to Australia, which I arranged to do late that evening. Left midnight.
Sun 6 Apr. Left Swindon MN Sat. for Bath, arr 1.45am. Slept at YMCA. Caught 10.30am train Bath-Weymouth and arrived in Camp 3pm. Ascertained was on boat roll 'SS Commonwealth' Lunds Blue Anchor Line due to leave London shortly.
Mon 7 Apr. At No. 1 Company Camp Weymouth standing by for embarkation instructions.
Wed 9 Apr. Marched out of Monte Video Camp Weymouth at 8.30pm. Caught 9.50pm train from Weymouth for London.
Thur 10 Apr. Arrived alongside ship 10am, embarked & had leave after dinner. Went to theatre 'Joy Bells' at the London Hippodrome and returned to the ship 'Commonwealth' about 10pm.
Fri 11 Apr. Left London on board SS Commonwealth for Plymouth to pick up more troops at 10am.
Sat 12 Apr. Arrived Plymouth 10pm.
Sun 13 Apr. Troops taken aboard but had to remain in port pending completion of Boiler repairs.
Wed 16 Apr. Left Plymouth at 3.15pm for Australia via the Cape.
Thur 17 Apr. At sea.
Sun 20 Apr. Passed the Canary Ils. which could be seen in the distance.
Thur 24 Apr. Passed Cape Verde on the African coast.
Sun 4 May Rough weather for the next few days.
Thur 9 May Arrived and berthed at Capetown about 8.15pm.
Fri 9 May At Cape Town. Leave 11am to 11pm. Went to Camps Bay.
Sat 10 May On leave again. Had a look around Cape Town.
Sun 11 May same
Mon 12 May Sailed 6.30am for Australia.
Tue 13 May At sea.
Sat 17 May At sea. Rough weather which lasted for about a week.
Tue 27 May At sea en route Cape Town - Fremantle where due pm Fri 30th.
Thur 29 May Course altered to Albany owing to outbreak of Flu on board.
Fri 30 May Anchored in Albany harbour about 8pm.
Sat 31 May Disembarked to Quarantine Station for 3 days isolation.
Sun 1 Jun. At Quarantine Stn Albany. Phoned my brother who resided in Albany.
Tue 3 Jun Quarantine Stn to town of Albany 10am. Was met by my brother Ossie. Taken to his home for lunch and left by special train for Femantle at 1pm.
Wed 4 Jun. Arr Fremantle 7am. Great welcome, all well at home.
Thur 5 Jun. Social of welcome at East Fremantle Presbyterian Church.
Fri 6 Jun. On leave at home.
Mon 30 Jun. After an absence since 9th October 1915 resumed with McIlwraith McEacharn Ltd Fremantle where I remained until ultimate retirement on 30th June 1960 although I was on full pay until 30th Sept 1960.