Copyright Licence

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This website is created under the 'Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International Licence

You CAN copy images from this website for your own use.

You CAN use the images in your own research, classroom, family history, play etc.

You CAN build on these images and add more information and stories to the people mentioned on this website.

You CANNOT take images from this website and sell them or put them on another website that requires a subscription or membership. The images MUST remain freely accessible AND free of charge.

You MUST give appropriate credit to this website as the source of the image whenever you use an image and provide a link back to this site.

Source citations should follow the following format: [ Specific page title, Creator of the digital image, Retrieval date, URL]

For example:

Dickenson, John Henry – W48254, Western Australian Military Digital Library, Retrieved July 14, 2023, from,_John_Henry_-_W48254

If you want to read the full legal details of this Creative Commons Licence, please follow this link.