DAVIDSON, George Leslie - Diary part 3

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well known to me.
Sat 13 Jan. Night duty. Was warned today to hold myself in readiness to proceed to A.M.C. Details Tidworth at short notice.
Sun 14 Jan. Night duty. Went to Norfolk Rd Methodist evening service.
Fri 19 Jan. Finished night shift at 7am & warned to be ready to leave Brighton tomorrow for Salisbury Plains. In the evening called on the Tidy family & said farewell.
Sat 20 Jan. Left 3rd AGH 9:30am for AMC Training Depot at Park House, Salisbury Plains. With me other Western Australians were Ptes Mole, Baker, Leivesley, JH Williams & Adcock. Left Brighton by train 10am and arrived at Victoria Station shortly after 11am. Then took a Tube to Waterloo & there caught the 1pm train to Tidworth. Marched a good 3 miles to Park House camp where we were informed we were already included in the next draft for overseas.
Sun 21 Jan. Parade 9am, Kit & Medical inspections. After kit deficiencies were made up we were free for the rest of the day.
Mon 22 Jan. Drafted into 3rd Divisional Details with orders to move out at any time. Handed in all surplus kit. Went for a route march through Shipton pm.
Tues 23 Jan. Route marching.
Wed 24 Jan. Left Park House 5pm, marched to Tidworth where we entrained for Waterloo. Changed into an SE & C Rlty train for Folkstone where we arr about 5am 25th.
Thur 25 Jan. Waited at Folkstone till 3pm when we boarded the Princess Alexandra for Bologne a journey of about 1 1/2 hours. Arrived at Bolougne about dusk & marched to Ostrohove Rest Camp about 2 miles.
Fri 26 Jan. Resting at Ostrohove camp or 'One Blanket Hill' as the soldiers called it. Weather very cold, all taps frozen and no water available.
Sat 27 Jan. Left Ostrohove camp about 8:30am & marched to Estaples camp about 20 miles south. Stopped for lunch about half way & arrived at Estaples just about dusk. Whilst having tea I met Gordon Day of Fremantle.
Sun 28 Jan. At Estaples. On church parade am. Met Syl Williams of Fremantle & spent the rest of the day with him.
Mon 29 Jan. Went to the Bull Ring Estaples for gas instruction.
Tues 30 Jan. At Estaples France. Route march & washing pde.
Wed 31 Jan. To the Bull Ring again. Snow falling heavily.
Sat 3 Feb. On fatigues. Warned to proceed to 2nd Division tomorrow.
Sun 4 Feb. Left Estaples about 10am with the following boys from 3rd AGH - 8815 R Leivesley, 8916 WP Hodgson, 4418 J Ledingham, 8494 SF Kettelty, 8874 WE Bowman, 8867 A Goldenberg, 4711 AE Bollomley, 4394 RJ Hale, 8807 A Baker, 4356 N Carlson, 4396 AE Hansen, 4510 A Holden, 4714 Bullock, 9662 J Ferguson, 6467 Scotty Fullard, RW Brison, R Elliott, H Falla, N Alcock, C Adcock, Olsson, WEC Campbell, and a few others totalling 34. Ralph Mole & JH Williams were in a 5th Div draft. We passed through Amiens & arrived at Albert about dusk & put up there for the night. From here we could hear the continued roar of the guns.
Mon 4 Feb. Marched from Albert & joined the 5th Field Ambulance at Contalmaison on the Somme. We were quartered about 1 1/2 miles away at Fricourt. Major Gibson - a Fremantle doctor was on the staff.
Tues 6 Feb. On 5th Field Amb. strength.
Thur 8 Feb. Saw Frank Wallis of Fremantle. WE Bowman left yesterday for the 6th Brigade.
Fri 9 Feb. Marched from Fricourt thro. Beaucourt to Albert 21 of us to work with the 7th Fld Amb. while some of their bearers were up the line. Major Brennan & Dick Hatchet of F'tle and Geo Nagel of WA were with the 7th Fld Amb.
Sat 10 Feb. At Albert with 7th Fld Amb Rest Station.
Sun 11 Feb. A Baker evacuated.
Fri 16 Feb. Marched through Becourt & Fricourt to our own Headquarters at Contalmaison then up the line to a dressing station at Martinpuich & put up in a dug-out for the night.
Sat 17 Feb. At Army H. Qrs. Martinpuich on Engineers fatigue tunnelling, & continued here until Wed 21st.
Thur 22 Feb. At Advanced Dressing Station Martinpuich stretcher bearing. Not feeling well - mumps.
Fri 23 Feb. Reported sick - Mumps at the Advanced Dressing Station & was sent back per trolley to Villa post and from there by horse ambulance to Contalmaison then per light railway to Bottomwood (6th Field Amb) where I met Geo Dixon of WA. From Bottomwood to Becordel (13th Field Amb) per hopsital train then by motor ambulance to Becourt Mumps Hoispital (2nd Field Amb)
Sat 24 Feb. At Becourt convalescing. Met Capt Willis 3rd AGH, Alister Steele 2nd Fld Amb & Frampton of F'tle.
Sun 25 Feb. At Fricourt convalescing. Went into Albert about 3 kg in the afternoon.
Tue 27 Feb. At Fricourt, went to Contalmaison pm saw Lord of WA.
Fri 2 Mar. At Fricourt. Went to Contalmaison again after lunch.
Sun 4 Mar. Still convalescing at Becourt with mumps. Went to Albert after lunch. Saw Bill Whiteside 11th Battn. Went to church with him after tea.
Mon 5 Mar. At Becourt. Went to Albert - 3 kilos- again and to the pictures with Bill Whiteside. A heavy fall of snow today.
Tue 6 Mar. At Becourt convalescing. Went to Fricourt after lunch. Met Ray Viner 3rd F. Amb., had tea with him, then to the pictures in the Church Army hut, Fricourt.
Wed 7 Mar. At Becourt. Met Percy Payne of 2nd F. Amb. Went to Albert after lunch.
Thur 8 Mar. At Becourt. Went to Fricourt after lunch & saw Ray Viner.
Fri 9 Mar. At Becourt. Snowing heavily. Went to Fricourt after tea & saw Ray Viner.
Sat 10 Mar. At Becourt. Went to Albert after lunch. Misty rain, got wet.
Sun 11 Mar. At Becourt. Went to Fricourt after lunch. Had tea with Ray Viner and with him & we then went to Scots Redoubt seeking old friends. We found Ptes FD Pollard & Eastwood of the 11th Battn & Sgt McFarlane, Sgt Read, Cpls Wheat & Duncan and Pte Anderson of the 2nd Division Sanitary Section.
Mon 12 Mar. At Becourt. Ray Viner came over & we spent the evening with Percy Payne.
Tue 13 Mar. Discharged from Becourt Convalescent camp at 2pm & went to 1st Anzac Reinforcement camp at Albert. Had tea with Billy Whiteside, then went to a concert at the YMCA.
Wed 14 Mar. Left 1st Anzac Reinforcement Camp, Albert & rejoined my unit 5th Field Amb. at Contalmaison about 11am. Recd a new pay book & a batch of mail. Came across Sgt F Bond & had a long talk with himn. Paid 40 francs = $1.8.8
Thur 15 mar. At Contalmaison saw one of our Observation balloons shot down. Went to Fricourt after tea to see Ray Viner but he was out.
Sat 17 Mar. At Contalmaison. One of our air men came down close to us with his petrol tank punctured. He had already brought down 3 (3) enemy planes in 5 dog fights so had done really well for the day. Busy today shifting H.Qs to Bapaume. Part of our unit shifted today. I remained with others to clean up.
Sun 18 Mar. After loading the last wagon our rearguard party marched across country to Pozierres where I met Sgt DK Fordham and L/Cpl Ern Aberlee of F'tle. After tea I spent the evening with Dal Fordham. We had a great time aided by the news of capture of Bapaume.
Mon 19 Mar. At Pozieres. Joined a working party at Bazentin having marched there from Pozieres via Contalmaison & Mametz Wood. Saw H Hazlett & WB Robinson of 12 Fld Amb.
Wed 21 Mar. Was called out at 12:30am for a car duty with patients to Edge Hill. Warned for night duty 8pm to 8am stretcher bearing. During the night Prince Frederick Charles of Germany passed through our Dressing Stn. He was brought down by one of our planes about 100 yards behind our front line 4 miles east of Bapaume. In trying to escape he was shot in the back by one of our men. I was one of the party who unloaded him from the ambulance. He wore an Iron Cross & spoke good English.
Thur 22 Mar. At Pozieres on night duty. Stretcher bearing.
Fri 23 Mar. Came off night duty at 8am & set out to walk to Bapaume with W.E.C. Campbell - about 8 miles. Had a good look round. It received a great battering. Hardly a building left intact. Came back to Pozieres through Grevilliers arriving about 3pm. Was taken off night duty & attached to 5 A.O.C.
Sat 24 Mar. Altough temporarily attached to 5th Army Operating Centre, I with others who came over with me were taken on strength of the 5th Fld Amb. My particular section was B Section, Bearer Sub-division. Bob Leivesley also B. Sec.
Sun 25 Mar. At Pozieres attached to 5 A.O.C. doing general fatigue work.
Mon 2 Apr. At Pozieres attached to 5 A.O.C. The orderly room clerk went off duty sick today so I took over his job.
Tue 3 Apr. At Pozieres attached to 5 A.O.C. doing orderly room work - clerical.
Wed 4 Apr. At Pozieres with 5 A.O.C. Changed to general duties again.
Thur 5 Apr. Same. Saw Alister Steele again.
Sat 7 Apr. A days leave so started out for Amiens at 7am with Will Hodgson & Ray Elliott - distance about 22 miles. Got a lift most of each way so had very little walking. Met Harold Bullock there & spent a very pleasant day there. Visited the cathedral.
Sun 8 Apr. Saw Lester Davies of Fremantle. He is with the 4th D.A.C. (Concert)
Fri 13 Apr. Saw Joe Dixon of WA in hospital close by. He had a nasty wound in the thigh.
Thur 19 Apr. 17 of our fellows including myself were relieved from A.O.C. duties and rejoined our unit which had moved to beyond Bapaume. Joe Dixon is today being transferred to Blighty. Saw Johnny Barret of Fremantle.
Fri 20 Apr. With 5th Fld Amb. at Flamicourt. Off duty not feelimng well.
Thur 26 Apr. Shifted to Bapaume with entraining party of 12.
Sat 28 Apr. At Bapaume with entraining party. Saw Jack Elder of the 2nd Div. Sanitary Section.
Sun 29 Apr. Went to Albert for a bath. There I saw Bob Warrener of F'tle now with the 4th Fld Amb.
Mon 30 Apr. At Bapaume sick in bed.
Wed 2 May. Left Bapaume for an Advanced Dressing Station about 1 mile south of Lagnicourt. With loading party waiting for the big stunt of tomorrow - Bullecourt.
Thur May 3. Bombardment opened at 4am & hop over was at 5am and from then a continual stream of wounded kept pouring in. Saw Gordon Doonan today going further up the line.
Fri 4 May. At A.D.S. transporting wounded.
Wed 9 May. Relieved from A.D.S. and reported M.D.S. Vauix where we were taken per motor lorry to sprouse up prior to going back for a rest.
Sat 12 May. At Bricourt resting.
Tue 15 May. ditto. and pictures in Fricourt Army Hut.
Thur 17 May. Left about 8:30 am and marched with full kit to Senlis on the Somme France via Becordel, Meaulte, Biure etc. This was the long way round but was taken to avoid heavy traffic on the main roads. I was one of four pulling a litre (stretcher on wheels) which proved harder than an ordinary march. The scenery on the journey was wonderful, grass flourishing, trees in leaf & flower. We halted for dinner on the banks of the Ancre River near Buire. The journey was commenced in steady rain but cleared after a few hours. We arrived at Senlis about 4pm & were billetted in an old rest station on a hill overlooking the town which looked beautiful as it was nestled in a valley. Before tea Bob Leivesley & I went and had a look round the town. It was very quiet & we did not stay long.
Fri 18 May. Route march thro town in the morning ann a bath parade in the afternoon.
Sat 19 May. At Senlis resting. Routine am Drill - pm Gas Lecture & Gas Drill.
Sun 20 May. Morning water fatigue afternoon nil. During the day about 30 reinforcements arrived & included several I knew - Ptes Maxwell, Roy Connor & Dudgeon.
Mon 21 May. At Senlis. Met Stan Higgs of A.M.C. Details 6th Engineers.
Wed 23 May. At Senlis. Morning route march to Worloy & back through Hedauville. Afternoon football parade followed by bath parade. Met several F'tle chaps of 28th Battn - Artie Loveday, Arthur Colquhoun & Tucker also Percy Prince.
Thur 24 May. Sports day.
Fri 25 May. On leave with Bob Leivesley in Amiens. Caught the 7:15 am train from Albert & got a lift back per Motor lorry.
Sat 26 May. am Route march pm nil. Saw Jimmy Orton 28th Battn in the village.
Sun 27 May. At Senlis. On duty as Billett orderly.
Tue 29 May. On piquet. Saw Pat Keen of Malcolm st Fremantle.
Fri 1 June. At Senlis. am Route march with full pack.
Sat 2 June. At Senlis on leave. Had a day in Amiens with Bob Leivesley & Alf Godenberh. Had a bath & 3 good feeds. Left camp at 6am & arrived back at 11:30 pm.
Sun 3 June. am Church Pde & after lunch started out for Ribemont & Buire to see Bill Whiteside & Gordon Doonan but on the way met Percy Hird - 11th Battn so went back to Senlis with him. Saw Lt Billy Cadd of ASC in Senlis.
Wec 6 June. Sports day. I pulled in our tug of war Section team but did no good. Alec Stewart & JJ McQuillan from 3rd A.G.H. joined 5th Fld Amb. tonight. Alec brought my watch which I'd left in Brighton & handed it over to me.
Sat 9 Jun. Went to Amiens on leave with Alec Stewart and Bob Leivesley. Had a swim in the Somme & 3 good feeds. Saw Frank Hardown of the 11th Battn as our train was passing through Merecourt.
Sun 10 June. Church Parade. Saw Capt Gill 28th Battn.
Mon 11 June. Morning drill afternoon sports. Very heavy thunderstorm - no damage.
Tues 12 Jun. Went to the village after tea & saw 3 Fremantle ites who today joined the 28th Battn - Les Allen, Billy Hicks & Barrett. Our soccer team won the Brigade final today 3.0. Cpl Herb Franks joined.
Thur 14 Jun. Lloyd Allen of Claremont joined 5th Fld Amb. from 3rd A.G.H. Reported on the move tomorrow. Whilst at Senlis resting our daily routine was : Reveille 6:30am; Physical Jerks 7-8am; Breakfast 8am; Morning Parade 9am; Dinner 12:30pm; Afternoon Parade 2pm; Tea 5pm; Lights Out 9:45pm; (Sundays) Church pde 10am
Fri 15 Jun. At Senlis Reveille 5:30am B'fast 7am. Unit left Senlis 9:15am for Pozieres via Bouzincourt, Aveluy & Ovillers. The day was extremely hot & the march therefore with full pack up was no joke. We rested at Aveluy for lunch & enjoyed a swim in the Ancre River. Pozieres was reached about 4:30pm & we camped there for the night.
Sat 16 June. Left Pozieres at 9am & took the main road via Le Sars to Bapaume our destination which we reached about 12:45pm. After dinner we put up our tents and settled down amid a very pleasant surroundings in an old fruit & flower garden.
Sun 17 Jun. At Bapaume in reserve for active front line duty.
Mon 18 Jun. On piquet duty.
Tues 19 Jun. Weather bad, plenty of rain.
Wed 20 Jun. At Bapaume - am route march - pm walked to Grevillers & saw the graves of Lt Walter Jackson & Pte N Choules both of North Fremantle & Parsonage of my unit
Thur 21 June. am stretcher drill. In the afternoon we buried one of our transport drivers who was killed whilst visiting his brothers grave at Lagnicourt.
Fri 22 Jun. Very wet day. Went to 'Splinters' entertainment after tea.
Sun 24 Jun. Bath parade. After tea went to church with F. Bond who was leaving for England tomorrow as instructor in the 7th Training Battalion, Rollestone, Salisbury Plains.
Mon 25 Jun. At Bapaume, pictures after tea.
Wed 27 Jun. On leave. Went to Amiens with Ern Trezise. Went boating on the Somme.
Thur 28 Jun. Shifted camp to Avesnes about 1 mile from where we were before
Fri 29 Jun. At Avesnes near Bapaume.
Sat 30 Jun. Went to pictures with Alec Stewart.
Sun 1 July. am Church parade pm Bath Pde. Evening church.
Mon 2 Jul. On leave. Went to Achiet le Grande pre motor lorry & caught a train to Ribemont where I expected to see Bill Whiteside but he was away. I then walked through Lavieville & Henecourt to Senlis & saw Ralph Mole. I then caught up with Alex Stewart & Bob Leivesley who had earlier left the train at Albert. We all walked back to the Albert-Amiend road & hiked a lift to Amiens. Then got a train to Achiet le Grand then hiked another road lift home.
Tues 3 July. At Avesnes les Bapaume. Saw Charlie Dick who joined the 28 Battn today. Also saw Aubrey Wear of the same battn. Paid 40 francs.
Thurs 12 July. Went to Beaulencourt with a party of 50 for duty with the 7th Fld Amb R.A.M.C.
Fri 13 July. At Beaulencourt with 7th Fld Amb. R.A.M.C. Gen fatigues.